Wednesday 15 February 2012

Comunicare con gli Spiriti

Prima di rispondere 'possiamo comunicare con gli spiriti', in primo luogo trovare una risposta a 'perché vogliamo comunicare con gli spiriti?' Ciò che ci preoccupa così tanto che abbiamo bisogno di ricorrere a diversi mezzi di comunicazione con i morti, e qualche esperienza positiva o negativa di alcuni fenomeni paranormali nel nostro tentativo? Ci possono essere molti motivi, il più importante dei quali è la necessità di trovare soluzioni ai diversi problemi che abbiamo di fronte, per l'importanza dei defunti nella nostra vita. Un sacco di volte, una certa persona è la luce guida nella nostra vita, qualcuno che ci aiuta a passare attraverso momenti difficili, che ci aiuta a decidere cosa fare, e di influenzare le decisioni che prendiamo. Quando siamo così dipendenti da qualcuno, e che la persona lascia improvvisamente la nostra vita, ricevendo oltre che la dipendenza è qualcosa che prende un sacco di fatica. In un'altra situazione, ci può essere una particolare sensazione o desiderio che non siamo riusciti a comunicare al defunto quando erano in giro. In tal caso, così facendo diventa molto importante per alcuni di noi, e che modo dobbiamo, ma trovare il modo di comunicare con gli spiriti e dopo aver risposto alle nostre domande oi nostri desideri espressi?
Modi per comunicare con gli spiriti
Per essere in grado di comunicare con gli spiriti, è essenziale che voi come un essere umano mantenere la vostra mente ed impeccabile, e la vostra coscienza a posto. Un sacco di persone con abilità psichiche credere che gli spiriti sono sempre presenti intorno a noi, è solo una questione di avere intensificato i sensi per essere in grado di percepire la loro presenza. Ora, un elevato stato d'animo è qualcosa che non può essere raggiunto facilmente. Ci vuole un grande sforzo, pratica e pazienza per essere in grado di farlo, in modo da poter anche solo pensare di comunicare efficacemente con gli spiriti. La tua visione, la tua capacità uditive, e un senso di conoscenza e il riconoscimento della presenza di un innaturale essere intorno a voi, sono tutti i sensi si dovrà lavorare allo sviluppo nel cercare di comunicare con gli spiriti. I modi in cui puoi farlo sono stati arruolati qui. ; First, believe that such a process is possible. It is faith that keeps the world going, and as long as you believe in absolutely anything you want to do, know that it is going to be possible with a little effort. ; Then, ensure that your desire to communicate with a spirit is genuine. This is not something you want to do just for fun. You may have your own reasons to communicate with a spirit, but fun cannot be it. ; Starting with a small amount of meditation on a daily basis, and increasing the amount you meditate on a daily basis will help you slowly keep your mind free of stress and other things that plague it. In fact, with regular meditation, you will be able to effectively zone your mind out of the present, and use it to sense the presence of anything unnatural around you. ; Wear comfortable clothing so that you are not distracted. Light clothes and colors that keep the mind cool and calm are essential in this endeavor. ; Eat fresh, live and healthy food so that you do not feel worn out or weak. Eating fresh food keeps the mind active and alert and is a great way of attaining the power to communicate with spirits. ; As mentioned earlier, this is a process that will take a long time. If you have the patience and the will to be able to really do it, there is nothing that can stop you or cause failure in this process. Now that you have developed these heightened senses, put out your queries into the universe. The best way to do so is write down your questions that are directed to the deceased you want to communicate with. You will then be able to receive communication from them through various media.
With the methods of developing heightened senses so as to learn how to communicate with the dead, let's now take a look at some of the ways in which you can communicate with a spirit, and vice versa. When you look at the ways in which a spirit tries to communicate with you, you will understand why developing the aforementioned traits is absolutely necessary. ; Dream Visitations: As you send out the signal of wanting to communicate with a spirit, you may experience a dream visitation by the deceased. Here, your queries about anything pertaining to the spirit may be answered. The experience of communicating with spirits in dreams may seem very real to you. To understand that the dream was indeed a method of spirit communication and not simply a result of your constant thoughts on this subject, keep in mind that it should have a logical sequence, it should be vivid, and it should leave behind some emotion, whether negative such as confusion, or positive such as happiness. ; Recurring Coincidences: If you are party to a similar situation time and again, chances are, a spirit is trying to communicate with you through subliminal messages. This is why you need to be alert and have presence of mind. Also, understanding the symbolism of a situation will help you decipher what the spirit is trying to say. ; (Inner) Voices: Many a times, as a response to your query or questions, you may be able to find the answer yourself. You may find an inner voice giving you all the answers you desire. This could be because of the presence of a spirit that is attempting to communicate with you. On the other hand, many a times, you may find the answer from someone you are speaking to, someone who may be least likely to give you the answer, but will do so as the spirit uses another person as a medium of communication. ; Automatic Writing: Automatic writing experiences by contacting spirits have been seen by many in their endeavor to communicate with the deceased. In such a case, as an answer to your questions, spirits take over the hand and start writing the answer to you. You may be in a trance and not realize what exactly is happening, but upon exiting that trance, you will find the answers to your questions by means of automatic writing. ; Signs and Symbols: Just like a recurring situation, spirits may use different signs and symbols to communicate with you. For instance, if you have a question in mind, you may simply open up a book while wandering at a book store, and find the answer written before you. Again, you need to be alert and know that this is a sign from the deceased, to let you know that they are watching over you, and are there to help you find a solution to your problems. ; A lot of people use other media such as an Ouija board, perform seances, mirror gazing, etc. to be able to communicate with spirits. While a lot of people have been successful in doing so, there are instances when these processes have gone wrong. To prevent such an occurrence, be patient and develop the above mentioned methods of communicating with spirits for some effective results. However, sometimes, even these methods may not work, because a lot of psychics believe that spirits do not communicate with their loved ones in an attempt to reduce their sorrow and grief. You may also resort to contacting someone who will serve as a medium of communicating with your deceased loved ones. Such people have psychic powers, and the aforementioned traits, that makes them an effective means of communication with the dead.
Finally, always know that death and dying is inevitable, and that we all have to face the loss of a loved one at some point in time. Resort to communicating with spirits of your loved ones only when it is very necessary. Even spirits feel disturbed when we are making countless endeavors to get in touch with them. Spirits also feel your pain and grief, which is why sometimes they may refuse to communicate with you. Even so, don't give up. Keep your mind open, and your heart free of negativity so as to be able to contact your deceased loved ones and allow them to make their presence felt in your life.

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